Silk Road Exhibition

Silk Road was an ancient network of routes that connected the East and West. It was central to cultural interaction between the regions for many centuries. The 2019 exhibition “Silk Road” examined a new ‘Road’ connecting these two worlds: the stories that travel through books to young readers in far off places.

The exhibition brought together a wide collection of narrative, picture and general-knowledge books on China: 100 titles testifying to publishing excellence in Europe and the US. Some were by Chinese writers living in the West, others by non-Chinese authors who paid tribute to Chinese culture.

In both cases, the blend produced many beautiful and informative books. They include the illustrations of ancient stories crafted by artist and Macerata Academy professor Mauro Evangelista with the paintbrushes gifted him by the first Chinese students to attend his courses. Styles and techniques meld and interweave, reinvigorating our cultural horizons. The tale of the monkey’s Journey to the West illustrated by Czech artist Zdenêk Sklenár or by Korean illustrator Shin Dong-Jun maintains all its original freshness and fascination.

If you would like to know more about this exhibition books, please contact us.